Aside from that, one could also need such an application if there were a need to check on multiple accounts at once, sort of like a manager would anyway. For those that do, provided, once again that they have two or more separate MS accounts, there might be a real need to use multiple instances. This is most likely because there are not too many individuals using separate Teams accounts. Probably the best question, if you think that Microsoft did not include this feature.

If you want multiple instances to pop up as you log into your OS, you can also set that to happen. You can also delete entries, provided you no longer need them. These are local profiles you'll later associate with your Microsoft accounts so that when you want to open two of the three accounts at the same time, you'll know which is which. These are not to be mistaken with the application profiles which you can create online. When launching the application, you'll be prompted to create multiple profiles. The application is simple, yet it attempts to fix or add important functionality to Teams. This application was created solely for the purpose of allowing one to run multiple instances of this application, of course associating each with an independent profile or account. Launching two instances or more of Microsoft's Teams application might not be what everybody wishes, yet for those who are in the need of such functionality, Multi Microsoft Teams aims to please.